
There are rules and regulations that you should bear in mind when studying at BIGC. Here are a few of them to which you need to pay attention.

1.Rules of Student Apartment Management

2. Implementation Regulations on BIGC Scholarship for International Students


Rules of Student Apartment Management


1. All foreign students who put up in the school must obey the management of International Student Office of International Education College and strictly follow these Hostel Regulations; any problems should be duly reported to the Office.


2. All students must return to hostel before 10:30 pm and no hue and cry or chasing about is allowed.

To facilitate hostel management and safety of students, after the start of the semester, students can only check out at the end of the semester; keys must be returned immediately after checking out, or the deposit will not be refunded. 


3.  Students are not allowed to exchange rooms in principle, under special situation where rooms exchange is required, application should be submitted to the Office and decision by the management personnel will be based on specific cases; otherwise, rooms exchange shall be considered a breach of rules and will be punished. 


4.  All items in the hostel must be cared and protected by students. Those items damaged or lost shall be indemnified accordingly.


5.  All items in the hostel are not allowed to be removed or exchanged; please inform management personnel for safe-keeping of any unwanted items and duely registered as reference for checking out. 


6.   In order to maintain the cleanliness of public areas and clear corridor, no private items are allowed to stack in the public areas, otherwise, the items will be cleared away. 


7.   Pets are strictly prohibited in the hostel. 


8.  The use of electrical appliances like electric stove, electric heater and electric pad, as well as flammable items like gas cylinder are not allowed in the hostel. If discovered, the item will be confiscated and the owner will be fined.


9.   For the prevention of fires, extra care shall be taken when smoking in the hostel; all lights and appliances like TV and computer must be switched off when leaving the room.


10.  Please conserve water and electricity. Any breakdown should be duly reported to the personnel on duty or teachers in the Office. 


11. After 10:00 pm, in order not to disturb students resting, all students in the hostel are prohibited to talk loudly, play audio, weight-lifting and drinking. Those who are in breach of the rules will be publicly criticized; for particularly serious cases, in addition to fines, the students involved will be evicted. 


12. No outsiders are allowed to enter the hostel. For non-residing foreign students, they are allowed to enter only after registration and deposit of their identification papers with the hostel manager, and they have to leave before 10:00 pm. If overnight stay were to be discovered, the person involved will have to pay fines to the Office in addition to the lodging fees. 


13. Please consult the Office if there is any doubt regarding the above rules.

International Education College

Implementation Regulations on
BIGC Scholarship for International Students

第一章 总   则

Chapter One General Principles

第一条 “北京市外国留学生奖学金”原则上只资助留学生学费。该奖学金分全额学费资助和部分学费资助两类。该奖学金需逐年申请,奖学金的具体资助额度按北京印刷学院当年公布的各类学生的学费标准执行。

I. Beijing Municipal Government Scholarship for International Students which categorized into Full Scholarship and Partial Scholarship is only for the applicants’ tuition fees in principle. The scholarship should be applied yearly, and the quotas of which should be in line with the tuition standards set for various kinds of students as fixed by BIGC.

第二章 奖学金来源、额度

Chapter Two   Sponsors and Quotas of Scholarships

第二条 北京印刷学院外国留学生奖学金相关经费由北京印刷学院向北京市教委申请,学校视留学生数量及符合条件人数拨付配套金额,由企业设立的奖学金根据北京印刷学院与设奖企业签订的相关协议实施与发放。 

Ⅱ. Under the administration of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, BIGC sends applications for relevant grants of BIGC Scholarship for International Students and allocates the funds according to the number of international students, as well as the number of qualified applicants. Enterprises Scholarship will be awarded and distributed in accordance with the relevant agreements signed between enterprises and BIGC.

第三条 奖学金按照奖金额度分为A类、B类奖学金



Ⅲ. The Scholarship falls into Type A and Type B according to the quotas of the funds.

A.Students who are awarded Scholarship of Type A will be exempted from the tuition of an academic year. 

B.Students who are awarded Scholarship of Type B will be exempted from half of the tuition of an academy year.


Chapter Three

Eligibility, Application Procedures and Materials

第四条  申请人资格 




A.The applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and in good health condition.

B.Qualification and age limits are as follows:


1.Applicants for a Bachelor degree should already get a certificate of high school and should be under the age of 30. Applicants for a Master degree should already get a Bachelor degree and should be under the age of 35. Applicants for a Doctoral degree should already get a Master degree and should be under the age of 40.


2.Applicants for programs of general visiting students should already get a Bachelor degree or having completed two academic years of study at their universities and should be under the age of 50. Applicants for programs of long-term language training should already get a certificate of high school and should be under the age of 60.


3.Applicants for programs of International Scholars should already get a Master degree and is entitled associate professor, and should be under the age of 50.


C.The basic requirements of student-exchange programs should be set according to the specific agreements.



D.The Requirements of Language Proficiency

The requirements of language proficiency should be set according to the special disciplines and majors put forward in colleges and should be implemented in line with relevant regulations at BIGC.


E.Applicants who are already funded or awarded by Chinese government or other institutions would not be awarded the Beijing Municipal Government Scholarship for International Students.


Ⅴ. Application Procedures

(一)申请奖学金者可在报名同时递交奖学金申请表。《北京市外国留学生奖学金申请表(APPLICATION FORM FOR BEIJING GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP)》可到北京印刷学院国际教育学院留学生办公室索取或通过网站下载。奖学金申请者须在每年6月和11月提交申请。

A. Applicants for scholarships can submit their application forms when they are registered. APPLICATION FORM FOR BEIJING GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP is available from: the International Students Office of International Education College at BIGC, or downloaded from the website: http;// The applicants should submit their application documents in June or November every year.


1.《北京市外国留学生奖学金申请表(APPLICATION FORM 








B.Applicants should fill in and submit the documents as follows:


2.The notarized certificate of highest degrees,diplomas, and academic transcripts.

3.The study duration should last for 6 months or longer. Applicants should already have the physical examination and submit the FOREIGNER PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORM (officially printed by General Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China).

4.Applicants seeking for degrees or programs of academic research should provide a Plan of Study (no less than 400 words) or a Proposal of Research (no less than 800 words).

5.Applicants seeking for further studies in Music and Arts should submit their works in relevant fields.

6. Applicants who are under the age of 18 should submit relevant legal documents of their guardians.

7.Approved or refused, the application documents will not be returned.


Chapter Four Visas, Registration and Enrollment

第六条 获得北京市外国留学生奖学金的学生、学者,请持《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》和《外国人体格检查记录》的原件和复印件,以及本人的有效普通护照到中国大使馆或总领事馆申请来华学习签证。其中来京学习时间满六个月者,须申请“X”签证;学习时间不满六个月者,须申请“F”签证。

Ⅵ. Those international students and scholars who are awarded the Beijing Municipal Government Scholarship for International Students should apply for “X” visa or “F”visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General with the original documents and photocopies of the Visa Application for Study In China, Admission Notice, Foreigner Physical Examination Form, A valid ordinary passport. Applicants whose duration of stay lasts for 6 months should apply for “X” visa and “F” visa for less than 6 months.

第七条 获得北京市外国留学生奖学金的学生、学者必须持上述各项文件的原件到校报到。持其它种类的护照、签证及未持上述文件的原件来京者,学校将不予注册。  

Ⅶ. Those international students and scholars who are awarded the Beijing Municipal Government Scholarship for International Students should get registration with the original copy of the above mention documents. Those who come with other kinds of passports, visas or without the original copies will not get registered at BIGC.

第八条 因故不能按期报到者,应直接向有关院校请假。未经学校批准逾期不报到者,按自动放弃学籍处理,所获得的北京市外国留学生奖学金的资格亦自动取消。提前来京者所产生的费用自理。

Ⅷ. Those who cannot get registered on time should ask relevant colleges for registration delay. Applicants whose applications for registration delay are not approved or with no registration in due time will be dismissed from school and cancelled from the awarding of the Scholarship. Those who arrive in advance should bear the expenses incurred

第五章 奖学金的评定

Chapter Five Evaluation of Scholarships

第九条 学校成立“外国留学生奖学金评定委员会”,成员由学校领导、教务处、研究生部、国合处、国际教育学院等相关部门负责人组成,学校主管领导为委员会组长。委员会秘书处设在国际教育学院,负责奖学金的日常事务。

Ⅸ. The Committee of Scholarship Evaluation, which is composed of the heads from school administration, the Office of Educational Administrative, Graduate School, the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation and International Education College, is founded with school masters being the chairmen. International Education College serves as the Secretariat and deals with the routine business regarding scholarships assessment.

第十条 外国留学生奖学金评定委员会秘书处对申请者的资格、申请条件进行认定后,将符合申请条件的申请者名单和材料报学校外国留学生奖学金评定委员会审议。

Ⅹ. The Secretariat will assess the application documents and forward the qualified applications together with the supporting materials and a name-list of those qualified applicants to the Committee for evaluation and selection.

第十一条 奖学金评定结果将以正式函件方式通知学生本人,并在学院网站公示。

Ⅺ. Official emails of notification will be extended to those who are awarded the scholarship, and the school website will make an announcement.

第十二条 本规定解释权归北京印刷学院外国留学生奖学金评定委员会。

Ⅻ. The Evaluation Committee of BIGC Scholarship for International Students reserves the right of interpretation.

International Education College
October 12, 2015

Contact Us

School of International Education
Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

Address: No.1 (band -2)Xinghua Street, Daxing District, Beijing, 102600, P. R. China

Miss. Chen Miaoling
Vice Dean
School of International Education
Phone: +86-10-60261617

Miss. Wang Ying
Supervisor of Degree Programs
School of International Education
Supervisor of International Affairs
Phone: +86-10-60261010

Miss. Zhou Yan
Supervisor of Chinese-Language Training Programs
Supervisor of International Affairs
Phone: +86-10-60261002